Teynampet postman Badrinathan delivers medicine parcels, works in Corona hot spots

K Badrinathan did his M.Sc in mathematics and when. he looked for a job, had many offers including from a bank. But his mind was elsewhere, not far from his family.

Today, many people in the Alwarpet zone will be familiar with his face.  For, he is a postman serving at the Teynampet Post Office on TTK Road. Serving in these pandemic times.

So how did the India Post connect happen?

His father had served at rural post offices in Thiruvannamalai district for four decades including as the Head of a Post Office.

“His were days when there were no phones. Appa would go from home to home to locate the address and hand over the letters and parcels. He found great happiness in timely delivery of posts and enjoyed the delight on the face of the recipients when they saw the postal letters or parcels from relatives or friends located far away.’

Badrinathan ‘s dad was keen to see his son follow in his steps. And the son simply did this.

Badrinathan has been with the Teynampet Post Office for just under a decade. Over the last 12 months of the pandemic time, he has been delivering all kinds of posts – ordinary, Registered, Speed and even large parcels.

The Post Office has provided him with branded masks. He also wears gloves and moves around in his cycle to deliver the posts each day. There are occasions when he has to deliver mail to families who are home quarantined and in Corona hot spots.

He says he takes much joy in these tough times period from the timely delivery of medicines (non Covid type) to residents of Teynampet, Abiramapuram and around.

“We get a lot of medical parcels and the moment we hand these over, residents bless us deep from their heart. That’s something I will always cherish – the happiness that I have been able to give them during the pandemic.”

He has also been helping residents with opening India Post accounts and helped many who have lost their near and dear ones with redemption of money that falls due to the deceased account holder.

“I have worked nonstop over the last one year and I wonder how this has come to be,” he says.

  • Report and photo by S. Prabhu
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