Steady peak-hour traffic in San Thome zone after restrictions were relaxed

The city is now taking on a life of its own after pandemic time regulations were relaxed recently

One place to get a measure of the changing days in Mylapore zone  is on and off San Thome High Road.

The morning and evening peak-hour traffic streams are back.  They are not chaotic and packed but the flow is steady.

On Thursday evening, past 7 p.m. there was a steady stream of MTC buses  bikes, vans, cars and taxis on both sides of the road, with a bigger volume heading south, mostly people returning from work.

Seafood lovers are back at the fish hawker stalls lining Marina Loop Road, with many stalls not far from the Light House crowded after dusk.

Police officials have been posted along one section of this road to shoo away people who cannot hold themselves back from walking up to the shore.

Meanwhile, walkers are back on the Marina. But they restrict themselves to the pavements since access to the beach service road is cut off and police patrols keep a sharp eye on those attempting to walk into the sands.

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