Mylapore crematorium: new facility being set up but a few other key issues also need attention

For over four weeks the Mylapore crematorium’s facility was dead: it had broken down. So cremation was stopped.
It needed an urgent order after the new Commissioner of GCC took charge to order new equipment: now this is being installed and will take June 8/10 to reopen cremation.
But the facility needs much more attention which gets ignored by officials and GCC.
Here is a list put together after talking to people who work hands-on here and some who have not long ago made use of this facility.
1. The backup power generator is weak and needs to be replaced. If not, burning of bodies could be affected when power fails or drops.
2. The washrooms for men and women are basic: rarely used due to poor conditions
3: Hand wash facility is needed
4: Sewage lines are absent so waste water runs freely into the ground
5: Campus lighting is very minimal: this needs upgrade since GCC allows cremation beyond 6pm now
The past few days, on orders from the top in GCC, civic workers are clearing wild vegetation and painting some driveways and walls. But the more serious issues need attention.
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