This Abiramapuram group has been serving lunch to nurses, frontline staff at Alwarpet clinic

 Vasumathy Rangarajan, a resident of Abhiramapuram has motivated her family and friends to reach out in a. small way this pandemic time.
The group serves food to health workers at the GCC clinic in Alwarpet. This service began on May 4.
Says this senior citizen, “I got this idea when I we went for our vaccine jab to the PHC. I saw the nursing and cleaning staff overworked and they didn’t have time to eat. “
It occured to her then that providing for some refreshments to the tired staff would do some good.
Vasumathy’s family first came forward to sponsor. And later,  friends began to chip in.
What began with sending small packs of snacks has now turned into a lunch service to the staff at this PHC located on C. P. Ramaswamy Road.
The group, which has many seniors in it also send snacks to nurses at a hospital in south Chennai.
It needs more support by way of funds. If you wish to help call Vasumathy – 9840015071
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