The juices cart will have to be set aside this lockdown. So income will be zero. But this youth and his friend have launched a Help service for Mylapore seniors.

Mandaveli youth Raghavendar faces a big question in his life this Monday morning, the day the state-issued lockdown to tackle the pandemic rolls out.

This ex-student of San Thome School and an engineering grad ran a fresh juices hawker stall outside P.  S.  School gate in Mylapore for some three weeks – this was his first jab at going it by himself after a few years of work in factories.

“It is summer time and so I felt I could earn a decent income,” he says on the phone on Sunday just before his fully-green cart welcomes clients to rosemilk, nungu and nannari and lemon juices. “But now I’m facing a tricky situation.”

But Raghavendar and another friend, also a San Thome school batchmate who has a regular job have another task on their hands. They just launched We Care Mylapore, which promises to provide foodstuff, medicines, vegetables and stuff to senior citizens and virus-affected families. For free and in Mylapore and Mandaveli areas only.

They got their first calls on Sunday. A woman wanted them to arrange a newspaper vendor to supply a daily to het parents who are quarantined.

Why did they jump into this?
“We saw elders suffering in our colony so…..”

Contact Raghavendar at 8610701344./ Phone and WhatsApp.



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One Comment on “The juices cart will have to be set aside this lockdown. So income will be zero. But this youth and his friend have launched a Help service for Mylapore seniors.”

  1. Sir,
    Saying this from experience.

    Offering anything free is not healthy for the one offering it!!
    I used to offer free classes with highly researched material.
    When I set a payment, the people dwindled to barely 1or 2.

    This man offers such valuable service to seniors. The chore takes effort, willingness, time and energy. It will never be acknowledged.
    the moment he fixs a price, he will lose his work. No one likes to pay!! No one thinks about the effort and interest of the youth….Just because its free , it attracts not customers but people!!

    Hope this man gets on track and fixes charge for his efforts and energy at least.

    Customer= people who pay, and come back for more services.
    People= look for free help-take it- and finish the transaction!!

    Hope he gets wise!!

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