Senior citizen donates big to group serving free meals to seniors, virus-affected

Charity begets charity.

This group of residents of the city which has engaged the services of a veteran Mylapore caterer to cook and supply meals to families affected by the virus had a huge surprise on Sunday.

A senior citizen who resides off Bazaar Road asked one of the group members to come by – no, he did not want a meal.

Meet me, he said.

One of them did.

The man handed over Rs.10,0001, saying this was his donation for the service the group was offering seniors and virus affected.

The service is taking off slowly, the caterer now has people to deliver – breakfast and lunch only. Free.

IT professional Vasanth Swaminathan says that his group is humbled by the donation.

Contact Vasanth – 9566146768 / Prasanna – 9500167977 to order meals.

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