R. Anantha Padmanabhan is new trustee of Vedantha Desikar Srinivasa Perumal Temple

48 year old R Anantha Padmanabhan, a senior manager at Sundaram Finance, has been appointed as the new Trustee of Vedantha Desikar Srinivasa Perumal Temple in place of R Raghavan who passed away recently.
Padmanabhan has been associated with the temple for 30 years. He has been on the  electoral board of the temple for three terms. Before his appointment as the trustee, he served as the secretary of the electoral
board. He has also been the treasurer and secretary of the Veda Parayana Sabha.  He has also performed
service as a Sri Patham during processions.
He is currently learning the 4000 sacred verses.
As part of the renovation that took place in 2012-13, he worked in close co-ordination with the trustees of the temple.
Anantha Padmanabhan said, ” This temple has been an integral part of my everyday life for the last four decades right from my childhood and I have been here performing service here for over 30 years. This is  a big responsibility that has been bestowed on me by the Electoral Board and I will work hard  over the next five years to justify their trust in me.”
Anantha Padmanabhan is a law graduate and has done a MBA. He has been with Sundaram Finance for over 25 years.
– By S. Prabhu
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