MLA says over 65% people in 45 years group have got the jab. Youths will have to wait.

Mylapore MLA Dha Velu says that over 65% of people in the 45 years plus age group across Mylapore have been vaccinated.

He says that since the vaccine doses meant solely for 18 years plus has not been received, the facility is. not on offer now. He says the shortage is severe.

He says the demand from the youths is high and Mylapore has received only about 15% of doses meant for youths and this was offered at some clinics.

The MLA says publicity for camps held in private halls / venues cannot be done because the camp cannot handle large crowds. And he claims that doses left unused (  as in the MRC Nagar camp case where only 30 of 200 doses got used)  are sent elsewhere.

He says that even when the vaccine for youths arrives, he and his team will streamline the vaccination colony by colony and not open it up to all all at once.



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