Coming face-to-face with families shattered by the pandemic in poor neighbourhoods

Contract Corona-care workers who work on behalf of Chennai Corporation are coming face to face with the sad stories of human lives badly affected by the pandemic.

Even as these workers locate people who have symptoms of the virus, help out people in quarantine and come to the aid of SOS calls, they also hear of sad stories.

Here are two stories shared by a worker ( she wanted to remain unnamed in this report) who lives in a San Thome kuppam and works in that zone, and has worked through 2020 and was contracted again this year.

One family lost the head to the virus, then his wife was tested positive and isolated at home, leaving the two college-going boys to fend for themselves with hardly any money in the purse.

Then there is the story of a Urbaser Sumeet civic worker who has been isolated due to the virus and been at home for over 10 days; so the family hasn’t got any income now.  And the family is seeking help to get food stuff.

Despite doles and rations, many affected poor families are staring at dark days and suffering in their nooks.

  • Photo used here is for representation purpose only.
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