Can you help provide water for street dogs in your zone? Vijayalakshmi wants people to supplement her service

Mandaveli resident Vijayalakshmi Sivakumar has been a bit jumpy the past few days – personal issues have prevented her from going about her daily routine of providing water and biscuits to street dogs in her zone.

She had extended her service beyond her home circle to as far as Greenways Road MRTS station because the animals look for water as summer days become severe.

This resident is asking residents of the areas where she feeds dogs and has kept water bowls to hop across after 5.30 pm and refill the bowls and drop some biscuits if dogs are seen around.

Here is a list of spots where you can refill water and drop bisvuits.

Saibaba Temple cycle / bikes parking area, parking area of Thiru Mylai MRTS station,  R A Puram 2nd Main Road, near auto stand, Greenways Road MRTS station entry zone, Mandaveli MRTS station entry zone,

She requests people residing in each of these areas to refill water in the bowls since thats the priority.

Ping her if you need guidance –

< If you or your colony provides water to birds / dogs please share your story – mail – or post a line here with contact phone.

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2 Comments on “Can you help provide water for street dogs in your zone? Vijayalakshmi wants people to supplement her service”

  1. I know that family too well. in fact Sivakumar is my Long time friend and they feed hundreds of birds in Mandaveli and they are into noble deeds in feeding dogs and cattle . Great Service .

  2. I kept a bowl …got from BC… it was stolen when I went to refill it.

    another had dirty inside. people asked me to remove it as dogs dirty their places…. human dirt

    So have three cement bowl and unable to help.

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