What to do when we fall sick with symptoms similar to Covid? What do I do if I test positive?

What to do when we fall sick with symptoms similar to Covid? What do I do if I test positive?
A note from Mylaporean Chitra Padmanabhan; who composed this list based on real-life experiences.
1. Ensure strict compliance to covid norms. Masking is the single most important thing that we can do. Of course, wear a mask in the right way.
2. If you or immediate family start showing symptoms similar to Covid ( fever/ body ache/ sore throat/ cold/ headache/ diarrhoea/ loss of smell), first ISOLATE yourself. Take an RT PCR at the earliest. Inform your close contacts too.
3. Document your vital signs – temperature, oxygen saturation, pulse rate, blood pressure and sugars ( if possible).
This helps us detect any deterioration at the earliest.
4. Take your routine medications, hydrate well. Take paracetamol for fever.
5. If swab result is POSITIVE – do not panic. Arrange for a CT of chest at the earliest. This helps in grading of lung involvement.
If Negative – still isolate yourself till symptoms resolve. If symptoms persist, seek medical help or retest.
6. Depending on CT severity, plan for an online video consultation or a physical consultation
Anytime your symptoms worsen- it necessitates seeking medical help.
Please prepare a list of the following –
A. Emergency contacts
B. Labs for RT PCR
C. At least 5 hospitals in your vicinity, to seek help should you fall ill.
D. Keep a list of helpful Apps like Alserv.
E. Pass on the key info to at least two adults ( family/friends)
F. Have an idea of institutional quarantine centres
G. Familiarise yourself with all items needed for home quarantine.
H. Have the number of a pharmacy for delivery of medicines
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