Sabhas shut down again as pandemic cases rise and new SOPs set in

Two prominent sabhas of the Mylapore zone have pulled the curtain on their events all over again as virus cases start to rise all around and SOPs announced.

Narada Gana Sabha and Kartik Fine Arts publicly announced that their programmes for April stand cancelled.

Both have had a few events since they had a soft re-opening earlier this year.

Kartik had lined up its popular Thamizh theatre fest, where new plays are premiered – Kodai Nataka Vizha – in end April. This fest stands postponed now.

“OurĀ  sabha members understand the reason for shutting down now,” said K. Harishankar of Narada Gana Sabha whose auditorium on TTK Road, Alwarpet is a hub of activity of the sabhas and others.

Rasika Ranjani Sabha, Mylapore though continues with its monthly events, asking guests to observe SOPs. But attendance is small.

Also, Arkay Centre in Luz, a small and cosy music concert space continues hosting concerts – currently a fest by Sampoornam Foundation. Rasikas can be present but SOPs are followed.

Both these arts space webcast the events.

  • Photo used here is from the archives – disinfection on at R R Sabha.
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