Not all GCC clinics prepared to offer virus tests. Busy giving the jab.

GCC-run clinics have their hands full. As people, mostly elders stream in to get their first / second jabs of the vaccine, the staff are prepared to take calls for virus tests.

But not all clinics are offering the tests.

The nursing staff at the R. K. Nagar GCC clinic in R. A. Puram said they can provide tests if people come in. They can also visit the homes but sadly, their phone line is disconnected.

At the GCC clinics on Appu Street (of San Thome) and in Alwarpet ( off C P Ramaswamy Road), nurses were busy attended to administering the jab. And said they do not provide virus tests just now.

In fact, the Appu Street saw some 30-plus seniors keen to take the jab.

  • Info and photo by Nityanandam
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One Comment on “Not all GCC clinics prepared to offer virus tests. Busy giving the jab.”

  1. This is so true.

    I got fever and called Appu street GCC. No reply.

    I just waited for two days and today fever has disappeared.

    Thanking God and the Universe!!

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