Few attend ‘fever’ camps held across Mylapore

Fever camps are now being held across the neighbourhood. Places where you can step in in these makeshift tents and get tested for the virus.

On Wednesday, we spotted one on V. C. Gardens 2nd Street, Mandaveli ; this was open between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

The doctor and nurse were from Mandaveli-based Amma mini Clinic. This mini clinic, on a daily basis conducts these fever camps in a street across this part of the area.

The nurse said they conduct it twice or even thrice in streets where the population is high or if there are any COVID positive patients.

Dr. Shabana here said that there isn’t much response to these fever camps and only around 30
people had come by for a check.

This clinic also gives 20 to 30 COVID vaccine shots per day between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. but not daily – and they generally get the vaccines from Aashriya Andhra Mahila Sabha, San Thome.

–  Report, photo by Aishwarya, intern at Mylapore Times

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