Elections 2021: Polling Day notes by Mylaporeans; read and add yours too

High turn out of senior citizens at Kumararaja School. Never seen this large of seniors early.
Voting started at 7:30 in St. John’s School, Mandaveli after some internal confusions. There were a couple of senior citizens who came to vote without an ID proof misunderstanding the news of ‘booth slips’ that weren’t required.
(At St. Anthony’s School)  there are separate counters for male and female. After a long struggle the  machine meant for males started working but the machine for women is still not working. Took a long time for my mother to vote.
Went there ( Raja Muthiah School) at 7 sharp. They were fumbling with something till 7.20. Then started. Lots of jostling, etc. Voting process as such went on smooth, once  you are in!
(Mylapore Times will keep adding notes from you as they come)
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One Comment on “Elections 2021: Polling Day notes by Mylaporeans; read and add yours too”

  1. In Sanjivi street young and middleaged folks thronged the Chennai corporation school. Found only a few seniors,though. This was the status at 7.30 am this morning.

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