Additional vaccine centre now functions from GCC school in Alwarpet

This Aapril 27 morning, people who came to the GCC- run UHC at C.P. Ramaswamy to get their 2nd dose of
Covaxin jab were given tokens at the UHC and asked to go to the nearby Chennai Higher secondary School, No. 13,
Bheemanna Garden street, Alwarpet (The road adjacent to Kirtilal jewellery store) to get their vaccine

Many senior citizens were finding it difficult to stand in the hot sun on this campus, so they were asked to
sit in the classroom benches reset in the corridors.

Kaushik, a resident of Abhiramapuram, who came to get his jab helped the nurses and the health
care workers here to organize things and to maintain order at the centre.

Uma Shekar, a 70-year-old resident of R A Puram, said with disappointment that she went to 3 clinics
and finally was sent here. She  said she did not know that she has to get the tokens at C P Ramaswamy Road clinic, and the workers here mentioned that they would not be giving the jab without a token.

Health workers repeatedly requested people to have their token and Adhaar card in hand.

It is expected that the jabs will be given until 5 p.m. today. The team here has received 300 dosages of
Covaxin today.

200 jabs of Covishield is to be given at the C.P. Ramaswamy Road clinic.

This report was filed at 10;20 a.m. April 27.

  • Report , photo by Aishwarya R.
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