Residents of this Abiramapuram zone dump waste on street, do not co-operate with agency staff

A month after Urbaser Sumeet toom over waste clearing operations, there are places where residents dump garbage at street corners.

One such sore place is at the south end of C. P. Ramaswamy Street, off St Marys Road.

As per the new system, the service personnel of the new agency, Urbaser Sumeet, visit every house to pick up waste every morning.

The service personnel say they are unhappy with residents dumping the garbage in the open on C P Ramaswamy Street. They say they have informed the residents about the new modelĀ of picking up the waste but when they make their rounds in the morning, they find garbage on the street near Viswa Vihar flats on the street.
“Without the co-operation of the residents, our efforts will not be fruitful and one will continue to find garbage on streets like the one seen almost every day on this street” said a local supervisor.
– Report and photo by S. Prabhu
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