Must schools re-open now? Opinion among parents of wards divided

Must we now hold regular classes for senior students in schools?

Opinion seems divided now.

Going by the dipstick checks we did among parents who were attending a meet on Thursday at Lady Sivaswami Ayyar Girls School in Mylapore; a meet suggested by the state to ascertain the views of parents on the issue.

While some elders said that classes could be held, some others were firm that they would not risk sending their wards to school, saying they had even stopped private tuitions even though their wards were to face a public exam in April-May this year.

Most parents seem happy with the online classes and the sharing of lessons through electronic devices and said that their wards did not feel they were losing out on the eve of preparations for key exams just because regular classes were not being conducted.

These views have been recorded and sent to the state department.


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