You can now book passes for Music Academy’s web-streamed concerts

The online box office is now open to book tickets to watch the web-streamed main concerts of the Madras Music Academy this 2020 season. This is the 94th edition of the festival.

The concerts by senior artistes, of which there are 15, two on all days except the final when there is just one, are priced at Rs 300 each for those logging in from India for and USD 10 for rasikas from overseas. The price in India is inclusive of GST.

Non-members may purchase tickets for just one concert or more or buy a ticket for an entire season. This season ticket is priced at Rs 3600 for those in India and USD 120 for those abroad. In effect, those buying a season ticket get 15 concerts for the price of 12.

Says the note of the Academy for rasikas – Upon purchase of the ticket, a confirmation email will be received by you. Thereafter, a second email with details of concerts booked will be sent. The actual links for viewing the concerts will be sent a couple of days before the performance.

The 94th edition of the festival will feature concerts digitally abut there will be no academic conference nor awarding the Sangita Kalanidhi and other titles that the Academy honours artistes with.

Nor will there be a dance festival.

The digital concerts web streaming starts on Dec. 24 and ends on Dec.31.

There are concerts of the junior and sub-senior graded artistes to begin with daily, and two concerts by the seniors and these are the concerts that need pass-codes for you to log in – the Academy members get free access but the others need to pay for passes.

All concerts have been recorded at the auditorium recently.

A note on the Academy’s web site states this – 1. The paid concerts will be available for viewing for a duration of 48 hours on the links sent to you. 2. The free concerts will be available for viewing at any time. 3. In case of any difficulty in making a payment or any other clarification, you are requested to email

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