San Thome High Road flooded: a monsoon story that happens every year

The flooding of San Thome High Road is not anything new.

It happens year after year, every time it rains steadily. And it happened through last night and was a flooded road that greeted motorists this Friday morning.

Chennai Corporation commissioner G. Prakash was seen here this morning, briefing officials on measures to deal with the flooding.

And as it always happens, the spot measures are not sufficient.

San Thomites residing on Lynn Pereira Street and Muthukrishnan Street, Dooming Kuppam Street and Mada Church Street will attest to the fact that flooding on this road has been taking place for over two decades.

And there are times when the sewage overflows and mixes with the rainwater on the sides of the road.

And civic workers are rushed to the area to undertake measures that help only for the next 48 hours.

Residents wonder why GCC has not been able to come up with a permanent solution to the flooding of this road which is taken by state ministers, top officials and VIPs.

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