R. R. Sabha’s Carnatic music fest starts today. Limited admission for rasikas.

Rasika Ranjani Sabha ( R R Sabha) in Mylapore is launching its December Season music festival today, December 10 with admission open to a limited number of people to its auditoria.

The festival is on till December 18.

Today, at 5.00 p.m. the Sabha heads will join vocalist Dr S Sowmya to formally launch the fest; Sowmya will present the first concert.

Vijay Siva, Sikkil Gurucharan and Nisha Rajagopalan are among the senior artistes who are billed to perform at this fest; these concerts start at 5.30 p.m. and will be on for 2 hours.

In the small auditorium upstairs, junior artistes will perform, 4 p.m. onwards daily, till Dec.18. Admission here is also limited.

In the main, ground floor auditorium which seats about 800 people some 200 people alone will be allowed admission and all of them need to follow pandemic time regulations and will be asked to sit apart in each row.

Says Chella R. Vaidyanathan, one of the sabha secretaries, “We will have our staff and volunteers in the main hall to seat rasikas so each person sits away from the others.”

The concerts are free and open to all.

But for two concerts, the rest will be webcast.

Get the complete concerts schedule here – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rasika%20Ranjani%20Sabha/280974662354065/

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