Online talk on Sunday: “Culinary Carnatic: Harmony of Food and Music”.

The second TAG annual December season lecture is to be delivered online by writer-historian V Sriram on Sunday, December 27, on the topic “Culinary Carnatic: Harmony of Food and Music”.
This lecture is webcast on YouTube and will be be kept open for 24 hours, starting at 9.00 a.m IST for viewing. This is the web-ink:
TAG, which is located on TTK Road, Alwarpet has been the venue for a long series of lectures on South Indian history and heritage funded by R T Chari. The monthly lectures start with a big breakfast offered free to all guests and have featured a long list of scholars and researchers.
During the December season of music and dance, the lectures are themed on the icons and issues on Carnatic music and classical dance.
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