Christmas events are low-key at local churches

Churches in the Mylapore zone are going to have low-key Christmas related events leading to Christmas day. This is in keeping with the pandemic regulations in force now.

At Our Lady of Light Church in Luz, this week on three evenings at the church, the congregation attends Holy Mass and then, listens to the carols sung by the choir of the zone they belong to.

“We have skipped the common carols service this year for obvious reasons,” says Fr. Thumma, parish priest.

At Our Lady of Guidance Church on Lazarus Church Road, the inter-church carols contest organised by the parish youth has been dropped.

Carols will be sung before the Christmas eve Masses here.

Says Fr. Joseph who serves here, “The archbishop has asked us to let the Christmas events be low-profile this year.”

  • Photo features here was shot at the church on Lazarus Church Road
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One Comment on “Christmas events are low-key at local churches”

  1. Good news and sour news as well.

    But folllowing rules is a pie so sweet, it cannot be resisted.

    Thanks to everyone who find a way to allow the laity to have the honour of attending a mass ,at of course is vanity!!

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