Only 50 % of Covid workers go around the neighbourhood now, says Chennai Corporation official

With the neighbourhood reporting fewer virus cases, number of Covid (sector) workers going around Mylapore has been reduced to half.

In April, Chennai Corporation recruited dozens of people as Covid workers to prevent virus spread.

Since then, the workers have been visiting hundreds of households every day to identify residents with virus symptoms (cough, fever, breathlessness).

Said a Chennai Corporation official attached to local Ward, “As not many virus cases are reported now, only 50% of sector workers are working. Others have been relieved from duty, following instructions of our higher authorities.”

“Also, the workers perform door to door survey only on alternate days now,” the official says.

  • Picture: file photo;
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One Comment on “Only 50 % of Covid workers go around the neighbourhood now, says Chennai Corporation official”

  1. All the govts, whether in Centre or States, have done to their best to control the spread of deadly virus covid is a very difficult task for a huge populated country like India, to effectively control the pandemic, that too in a system with all sorts of financial and political issues. The work done by the greater Chennai corporation is highly commendable one.Best wishes to the Chennai corporation commissioner.

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