Urbaser Sumeet to start of its garbage-clearing operations in Mylapore zone on Nov.10

Urbaser Sumeet, the new garbage collection agency appointed by Chennai Corporation is all set to start its operations in the entire Mylapore area from Nov. 10.

To announce this, and seek cooperation from residents, officials of the agency have been meeting RWAs (Resident Welfare Associations) and residents of slum areas of the neighbourhood, since the past few days.

Said a senior official of Urbaser, “We have been meeting RWAs and residents of slum areas in Zone 9 (Teynampet zone) to announce the start of our operations. Tomorrow (Nov. 7), we plan to meet Seethammal Colony residents association and residents of Kapali Thotham, Pallakumaniam in Mylapore area.”

“At the meet, we explain our garbage collection process and seek residents cooperation in implementing the same.”

The main message passed on at the meets is that all residents are required to segregate their waste as biodegradable and non-biodegradable. And handover it to the BOV (Battery Operated Vehicle) operator, when he/ she comes at their doorstep.

“While most RWAs are already aware of waste segregation and are practising it, awareness regarding garbage segregation is less among the residents of slum areas. So, in the coming days, we plan to actively spread awareness in these areas through traditional folk songs, and dance,” he says.

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