A big, traditional arch welcomed relatives to a wedding home in Abiramapuram

The Krishnans of Abiramapuram just celebrated the wedding of daughter Pavithra with Venkat at a hall in Kotturpuram. And in keeping with the pandemic time regulations, this was a wedding open to only the near and dear.

But they did not skip one longtime tradition that the family which has its roots in Cuddalore has followed like many others – erecting a ‘green’ welcome arch at their 4th Street ‘Sarada’ residence, using banana and other tree cuttings, as well as tender coconuts, all massed on both sides of the gate to the campus.

Plus, the core of the arch, raised on casuarina logs, decorated with the traditional white cloth with frills of orange and green.

Said Krishnan, “The wedding arch is a must for families from our background and my family was keen to erect it for the wedding here.”

Pavithra is the fourth generation in a family business of Customs brokerage which was started by S. Natesa Iyer in 1919. The family has been residing in Abiramapuram since 1964.

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