With Marina still out of bounds for public, some hawkers start their snack sales on Loop Road

With Marina still out of bounds for the public, few hawkers who used to sell snacks like molaga bajji, masala corn and ice-creams on sands of Marina, have started selling their stuff on Loop Road, just before the fish market.

On Friday, at least a dozen of them were seen hawking here.

Said a hawker from a local slum colony, “Hawking in Marina is the only source of income for us. Following lockdown, as the beach was closed for the public, we have been struggling to make ends meet. “

She adds, “I have three small children to take care. So, since the past few days, I’m selling ice-cream here hoping to get some business from the passers-by.”

All other hawkers too have similar stories to share. “We hope the beach is opened to the public atleast after Oct.31,” the hawkers say.

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