Water that filled Chitrakulam after heavy rains is gone!

On the day it rained heavily, that is October 29 there was an appreciable quantity of water in the Chitrakulam – the temple tank managed by Sri Adi Kesavaperumal Temple in the vicinity.

But in less than 24 hours all that water is gone; all you can now see is a soggy bed of the tank.

The water has obviously recharged the dry ground and perhaps, raised the ground water level in this area.

Many people are not aware that the hundreds of bore-well pumps that work daily in many residences around the Chitrakulam pump up the ground water for personal use. This quickly reduces the ground water content, say experts.

Experts advise that all residents in this area must be asked to have rainwater harvesting systems so that the over dependence on water that gathers in the temple tank is lessened and the over all ground water level rises and remains stable, good enough for the summer season.

Though late, Chennai Corporation is completing a project here to lead all rainwater in local streets into pipes, and chambers and into the Chitrakulam. This will also reduce flooding and increase rainwater tapping that leads into the temple tank, a reservoir.

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