Subdued Navaratri celebrations at Ramakrishna Mission Students Home

Navaratri celebrations at Sri Ramakrishna Mission Students Home in Mylapore have always been traditional and created some buzz on this campus on P S Sivaswamy Salai.

The resident youths are guided by the monks of the Math to observe the rituals and traditions of this season. But this year, the festival has been celebrated in quiet due to the pandemic situation.

While in ordinary times, the youths would go out in a procession, carrying a small image of the goddess through the streets around the campus, this year the procession has been restricted to the quiet campus, mornings and evenings.

In the community hall, the standard kolu has been set up. Pujas are held twice a day here.

In ordinary times, the evening concerts and discourses would feature some of the best known artistes – these were open to the public and all the resident youths. Not this year; instead, alumni of the Students Home are presenting bhajans – and only some 30 youths of this campus attend, keeping social distance.

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