San Thome Cathedral yet to formally open its doors to people

There seems to be some uncertainty regarding plans to open the St Thomas Cathedral in San Thome to its parishioners for the daily and Sunday Holy Masses.

While all other churches in the area have plans to celebrate Holy Mass from November 1, which is an essential religious service in a  church and for the community, there is still no official word from the office of the Cathedral.

For some months now, Masses are being celebrated daily at the Cathedral and of late, people in small numbers have been allowed to attend the services, while sanitising themselves, wearing masks and sitting apart.

“There are some 20 odd people who attend Mass every morning but it is done informally,” said one church-goer who lives in San Thome.

Access now to the church is through the exit gate that faces a narrow lane leading to the Marina seaside; the main gate has been kept locked since the pandemic broke out and a lockdown came into effect in late March. As are all the doors of the Cathedral save one.

Church goers say that it is time the Cathedral also opens its doors to people to attend Masses as other churches are doing now or plan to from November 1.

One issue that seems to bother church managers at the cathedral is the prospect of managing a steady stream of visitors, both tourists and Christians of the city and outside since this is a shrine and well-known historical place.


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One Comment on “San Thome Cathedral yet to formally open its doors to people”

  1. Hi,

    They seem to have some unreasonable, unacceptable and imagined fear of infection clusters developing.
    Or is it unwillingness to administrate the SOP requirements of temperature scanners, hand sanitisers and the neccessity of managing entry of people through multiple places…

    They can keep side gates locked and request laity to undergo temperature checks and be watchful of people without masks and those spitting.. The priests can also include sanitisng their hands before Hly communion , so that people receive the host!!

    Guess they have enough volunteers to come asking for money but not for taking care of safety of the laity!!

    Sir, there are as many ways to make small changes and change mindsets rather than denying us of at least weekend mass.

    As a parishner, I would only say that the faithful are being denied their rights and obligations to attend mass.

    I feel guilty watching mass online always. So did something new. I would dress up the way I would do to go for mass, be on time and see the online mass without any distraction.
    Small mindset change …to see mass as really as possible!!

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