Mylapore Times Kolu Photo Gallery; enjoy the pictures of Mylaporeans

Mylaporeans have been sharing photos of their Navaratri kolus for the Photo Gallery of Mylapore Times.

The gallery was launched on Sunday and there are some 30 plus photos of the kolus of a dozen Mylapore families, all sent by them.

While some families have kept the simple and traditional, a few have made the effort to create a grand, colourful and decorated kolu and have also designed some theme sections by the side.

You too can share photos of your kolu with Mylapore Times now – shoot 3/4 different sections of the kolu, the theme sets, of the family members and thamboolam packs too! Mail the photos to – – mentioning your family’s name and short address too.

This gallery is already popular with visitors to the Mylapore Times website from India and abroad. (

– You may see the photo gallery here –

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