Motorists continue to ply on roads without masks, say traffic policemen

“Even after providing awareness and repeated warning, motorists continue to ply on roads without wearing masks,” say local traffic policemen.

Since the past few weeks, the policemen say they have been regularly booking cases against motorists who fail to wear masks.

Says a traffic police attached to Abhiramapuram police station, who was checking motorists at R.K.Mutt Road, near Chennai Corporation playground last evening, “On an average it comes to around 50 to 60 cases, per hour of checking.”

He says that they levy a fine of Rs 500 if motorists are not wearing masks.

“People are not understanding that we are insisting on mask-wearing for their own good. Most of the times, both driver and pillion riders are moving without masks.”

A large section of motorists who wear masks, he says do not wear them properly. “They either pull it below their chin or don’t cover their nose. In such cases, we voluntarily teach them how to wear masks. We also warn them if it’s their second attempt. However, very few listen to us.”

The policemen say that motorists continue to flout the helmet rule too. A fine of Rs 100 is collected from those who flout this rule, they say.

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One Comment on “Motorists continue to ply on roads without masks, say traffic policemen”

  1. Since the virus is sneaky and spreads wildly and causes public health problems, why not levy bigger fines like 2000-3000 bucks for those without masks and those who spit…

    Policemen have also started relaxing as they simply look away from crowded shops where people literally stick with each other and speak loudly with spitules flying in air…

    Its now unlock and so no one bothers about their or other’s health.

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