Catholic churches re-start Holy Mass, ask community to follow regulations

Catholic churches in the Mylapore zone have begun to have Holy Mass daily and on Sundays too after devising standard procedures for the community to follow when they attend these services inside the church.

At Our Lady of Light Church in Luz, commonly known as Luz Church or kattu-kovil, Masses were re started in mid September. Currently, there are daily morning Masses and, on Sundays, four Masses, three in the morning and one in the evening, this one in English.

Says Fr Peter Thumma, parish priest here, “We have asked people belonging to a set of wards to attend specific Masses on Sunday so that we have limited attendance at each Mass. This way there will not be any crowding.”

People attending Mass have to sanitise, wear masks and sit apart inside the church. Holy Communion is given in the hand than in the old manner of placing the host on a person’s tongue.

“We have asked seniors to pray at home and not attend Mass in these circumstances. Many people are still being cautious so the church is not full even on Sundays,” says Fr Thumma.

At Our Lady of Guidance Church in R A Puram, Masses are set to begin November 1 onwards, with standard procedures to be followed by people attending the services here.

Said Fr Joseph, assistant parish priest here, “We plan to have five Masses on Sundays so that each Mass can have a small number attending. Priests from other churches will celebrate the Mass here since we are planning five on Sundays and we need outside help.”

  • Photo used here is of the church in Luz
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