Bird spotting in Bheemasena Garden Street

If you are a keen bird watcher or reside in a campus which boasts of lots of trees, then you may have noticed that the bird resident population in the campus has definitely increased these past months.
Or you may have observed that there are a number of birds stopping over in your verdant spaces. And some of these are birds are rarely spotted in the local area.
Birders say that we are spotting these birds locally because the environment has improved a tad bit because of lesser movement of people and vehicles due to the lockdowns and regulations due to the Corona virus pandemic situation.

Sowmi Thyagarajan who resides at  Bheemasena Garden Street, Mylapore says that she spotted some rarely seen birds in her backyard recently. She says these birds must be Asian Koels.
“The birds were in the trees in my house one morning and I decided to take some photos of them,” says Sowmi.
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