Vedantha Desikar birthday celebrated at Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple. But no social distancing observed.

As part of the final day celebrations of the 10 day Vedantha Desikar Utsavam that culminated on the Vadakalai Acharya’s birthday on Puratasi Shravanam (Sept 27),  Pathi Ulathal of Srinivasa Perumal, Alarmel Mangai Thayar and Vedantha Desikar took place inside the temple complex on Sunday evening just after 7pm.

This was followed by Voyali (special walking steps) of Vedantha Desikar inside the temple. The devotees watched these processions from near the entrance to the temple.

During the 10-day festival, the 4000 sacred verses of the saint-poets and all the verses of Vedantha Desikar are recited by the Prabhandham scholars.

In line with the SOP laid down by the Government, the temple authorities had earlier decided not to allow devotees at the sacred verses recital. However, on the final evening, all the devotees, who were standing outside the entrance, were allowed into the temple to listen to the Thirumozhi Saturmurai on Sunday evening just prior to the Pathi Ulathal.

It was crowded inside the temple as people kept listening to the final verses of Saint Poet Thiru Mangai Azhvaar.

While HR & CE Dept. managed temples such as Sri Parthasarathy and Sri Kapaleeswarar temples now follow strict protocols, private temples such as this one take their own call.

In this case, to allow a large number of devotees inside the temple and all standing next to each other to listen to the sacred recital seemed to clearly violate the pandemic protocols.

  • Report and photo by S. Prabhu
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9 Comments on “Vedantha Desikar birthday celebrated at Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple. But no social distancing observed.”

  1. Respected Madam,

    This story was written by me. I was present through the evening of the Utsavam and this report is a fair depiction of the happenings of the day. The story was written in good spirit and in public (devotee) interest of the need to restrain oneself and maintain social distancing in times of such health emergency. There was no pulling down of Hindu temples, for the Parthasarathy and Kapaleeswarar temples were applauded in the same story for the protocols they follow.

    Were you present on the evening of the Utsavam? Did you see what happened? Did you realise the health hazards of devotee crowding together inside the temple. For your information, I have also written a formal letter to the electoral board following the utsavam.

    The Mylapore Times story link was also sent that same morning (Sept 28) to Sr. Mgt Personnel of the Temple for proactive preventive action in future utsavams.

    Without first hand information, I request the two of you to desist making statements that are far from the truth of the day.


  2. Why is Mylapore times doing subtle temple dissing these days? This is the third article I have read in the last few months where Hindu temples are being pulled down and churches are lauded for social distancing. This is blatant unfairness.

    1. The photo of that event that was reported is evidence of a clear flouting of state regulations. We have more such photos. Our report carried only a line to be even handed in our reportage. Please do not make wild charges and make this a Hindu – Christian issue. Fyi; churches remain closed and where they have services, we reported what is factual.

        1. You may be aware of some of the traditions which are followed at Panguni fest time at Sri Kapali Temple; where the Amman deity, ooru kavaln, is first paid respect to before the fest. This tradition alone goes back to a few hundred years. There are also other texts Lavanya on the temples of Mylapore which have hoary histories and the Amman is one of them. Are you working on a doctoral thesis; we can refer you to some scholars too.

  3. Who ever has published this.. there was no violation in the protocol. Evangelist moron like you do this for a cheap publicity and spread hatred. Please do a ethical journalism….

    1. While comment is free and welcome, please restrain the words you use. And MT is professional and has been so all these 26 years and it was so in reporting this event.

      1. It is not.. while so many of your posts in the recent times are against and attacking Hinduism and hindu temples around mylapore… which is very very evident… first maintain ethical journalism… journalism should be neutral…a half baked information it was…

        1. Hi Srihari, You have made a serious charge against Mylapore Times. Please share with us 5 web-links or copies of reportage that ‘attack’ temples and Hinduism’ as you claim here. Please do so in a week’s time. People who make serious charges ought to provide proof of such claims made in public.
          We await your proof please.

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