Street name boards in interior colonies get pasted over now and then

Posters of all kinds, not just of films are pasted on all walls, even in interior areas and colonies. But pasting them on street name boards disfigures and blanks out what is useful information for first time visitors or service people like postal or courier staff and food delivery people.

Recently, the poster offering tribute to a senior woman who had passed away, announcing her death was not only posted on walls in interior Mylapore but also on local street name boards.

Community activist C. R. Balaji reported this issue to the GCC engineer of Division 126 and civic staff got down to remove the posters from a few street name boards like the one for Adanjan Street.

If you come across such vandalism, report to the local office of GCC, advises Balaji.

  • Photo by C. R. Balaji
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