People queue up to visit Sri Kapali Temple on re-opening day; some local temples open too

There was quiet anticipation and a sense of inner happiness among the first set of people who streamed into Sri Kapali Temple this morning at about 8.30 a.m. when this and all other temples were allowed to be re–opened in pandemic times.

There were some 20 to 30 people who queued up to be tested for fever at the gate and allowed in to pray. There was order inside at the various shrines though in their enthusiasm, some people got too close to others and had to be told to move on.

Ropes have been hung all around to channel the movement of people so that they do not move all over the place and stay on too long inside the temple premises. Offerings of any kind were discouraged and the early visitors also stuck to the rules and were out as quickly as they could.

“This is such a wonderful moment for us,” said one visitor. “It is one thing to pray at home and another to pray inside a temple.”

Last night, well past 9 p.m., the east gates of this temple were opened for a few minutes – even as a ritual was on – in a symbolic move to make an auspicious start to the re-opening and a few people who stood on the street enjoyed this symbolic re-opening.

As the day wears on and more people visit, the crowd will have to be regulated at the gates of this popular temple.

Smaller temples in Mylapore have also been reopened this Tuesday morning and people have been gathering to pray. But some among them were seen not wearing masks or some wore them improperly, much against the regulations advised for people at such gatherings.

(( )) WATCH VIDEO of the re opening of Sri Kapali Temple on the Facebook page of Mylapore Times.

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