Mylapore Times Trust grants Rs.67,000 to 7 students to pursue studies

Mylapore Times Charitable Trust ( MTCT) continues to grant funding to students in need at this time of the year, an annual practice that the Trust has carried out for many years now.
The past week, the Trust disbursed a total sum of Rs.67, 000. This amount of money was granted in various amounts to 7 students of Children’s Garden School located off Dr. R. K. Salai.

Applications of students of at least two more local area schools are to be screened next week and funding to be awarded. Since the pandemic has badly affected poor, daily-wage earning families, the demand for financial help to continue school studies or gain admission from students who excel has gone up.
Donations are requested from Mylaporeans to the Trust so more students can be supported with substantial amounts.
This past week, MTCT received donations from Preetha Kadhir from Coimbatore ( Rs.5000) and from a Mylaporean who wishes to remain anonymous ( Rs.2000).
If you wish to donate, call Mylapore Times manager Shanthi on 24982244 for details on online donation or mail a query to –
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