Holy Mass not celebrated at local churches: affect of pandemic rules

All churches in the San Thome – Mylapore neighbourhood did not host Holy Masses this Sunday. In normal times, on Sundays, more than one Mass is celebrated to accommodate church goers and offer alternate services.

Some churches like Our Lady of Guidance Church and Our Lady of Light Church were kept open to allow people to drop in and pray in silence.

But the church on St. Mary’s Road, whose legends and histoy are traced to the days of saint ThomasĀ ( seen in the photo here) which caters to the church-goers in Abiramapuram zone remained closed today.

Priests have been saying that some of the pandemic-time regulations issues by the state in the current format impinge on some Mass practices that are sacred and at the core of church belief and its sacraments and hence, it does not make sense to celebrate Mass by dropping out some parts that bring the priest and people very close, as during Holy Communion time.

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