Fishing takes place in Adyar estuary, river

If you are standing on what is called the ‘broken bridge’ on the Besant Nagar side of the area where the Adyar river flows into the sea or strolling on the sands at the far end of Srinivasapuram, beyond Pattinapakkam you may come across a few people fishing in the estuary and the river.

These are inland water fisherfolk at work.

There are a few fisherfolk who look for fish in the river side and not in the sea. They look for particular species of fish that thrive in this region.

The past weeks, a few fisherfolk were seen fishing in the Adyar estuary off Srinivasapuram. The men say that on some days the catch is good. They say some people prefer the fish breeding in these waters.

Sadly, due to the burgeoning habitation in Srinivasapauram where open land has been converted into shacks or huts, the mounting garbage is dumped on the estuary’s waterfront and this pollutes the waterbody.

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