Collecting notebooks from school provided an opportunity to meet friends, say these local school girls

Standing at the gates of Rani Meyyammai Girls School in R. A. Puram, Saranya and Parasakthi were all smiles, this past Thursday evening.

The class 11 students of this school were here to collect notebooks distributed by the school.

“We are excited to meet each other after a long time,” said Saranya and added, “These days, as we are taking only online classes, we rarely get to meet friends. So when our teachers called us to collect notebooks, it was a great opportunity to catch up with our classmates.”

Said V. Amudha, headmistress of the school, “We carried out our routine notebook distribution work today. Notebooks were distributed to some 150 class 11 students, following social distancing norms.”

“However, as many parents are facing a financial crisis, we have not collected notebook fees from them now. We are asking them to pay this fee at a later date whenever it is possible for them.”

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