Two scholarships open to students in Plus One this season

The annual T. K. Ramakrishnan scholarships are to be awarded this academic season and applications are open for these. These grants are administered by Mylapore Times Charitable Trust ( MTCT).
These scholarships have been instituted by Lalitha Ramakrishnan, mother of C V Raman, Alwarpet resident Raji Muthukrishnan in memory of Raji’s late father.
These are the details: Two scholarships, one for a boy and one for a girl student in Mylapore schools.
Amount Rs. 2,500 each.
Both are for needy students who have finished Std.X and continuing in Plus One in school and have a good academic track record too. The money may be used for buying books or other school needs like uniforms.
Readers are requested to make this known to candidates who stand to benefit. They can apply online at or drop off the application at Mylapore Times ( open from 10 am to 1 pm daily) – Phone 249822444 ( talk to Shanthi, manager).
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