This group of Covid workers reach out to helpless residents of Srinivasapuram

For the past few weeks, a small group of Covid workers (who visit homes to check on fever and oxygen levels of residents) at Srinivasapuram have been reaching out to residents of this neighbourhood.

They go beyond their daily duty because some families are helpless and suffer in silence.

Srinivasapuram is a dense colony located off Loop Road of the Marina at its south end. Over 1200 families of daily-wage earners, maids, fishermen, carpenters and painters reside here.

Says Deepa Satish, a Covid worker of this area, “Several families here have lost their livelihood due to the pandemic. Many are living in bad conditions now. So, we are personally reaching out to them in small ways we can.”

Recently, through the course of Covid work, Deepa and her group came across a young physically challenged woman, who had a 10-month old baby. Her husband, a daily-wage earner had lost his job following the lockdown. The family didn’t even have the money to buy milk to feed the baby.

Says Deepa,”So our group of four/five of us (Covid workers) pooled in 100 rupees each to provide milk for the baby for a week. Then through a volunteer, who works for Banyan, a NGO, we got provisions distributed to them. Now, the family is doing better.”

In another instance, Deepa says a pregnant woman desperately needed rations. “She had no one around to help. We supplied groceries to her through an NGO, that regularly supports people of this area.”

Deepa says she and her group can only help that much. But they do when they come across helpless people here.

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