Lockdown affects this well-known senior who re-paints Krishna dolls

Every year, ahead of Krishna Jayanthi, S. Paramasivan’s tiny shop off Chitrakulam West Street in Mylapore would be abuzz.

Scores of people drop in here to get their old Krishna dolls re-painted.

But this year, due to lockdown, Paramasivan has received only three Krishna dolls for re-touch.

Paramasivan has been running ‘Jayamaruthi Manual’, a dolls re-painting shop here for over 14 years now. The 72-year-old manages the shop along with his daughter and son-in-law.

Says Paramasivan, who has a good expertise in re-painting dolls, “For people like me, who are completely dependent on daily earnings, the lockdown has been a huge hit. We have not had any business for five months now.”

“I have customers from across the city. However, unless public transport is allowed, there is no possibility for my business to revive, ” he adds.

Usually, he says, people get reminded of re-painting their dolls, only when they walk across this Street.

“Now, when public movement itself is restricted and temples are closed, we cannot expect any business that way too.”

But, Paramasivan is happy his regulars in the local area are dropping in.

“Customers in Mylapore have given few dolls for re-paint, this Krishna Jayanthi. So I’m happy I will be able to make some Rs 500, which will help me to feed my family at least.”

Paramasivan stays at TSV Koil Street in Mylapore along with his wife, daughter, son-in-law and two small grandchildren.

With no business for months, he says he has been taking loans to run his family and pay rents for shop and house.

Now, Paramasivan’s only hope is Navarathri golu season.”I hope circumstances would change. And I will be able to make some money by then.”

People who may want to re-paint their dolls may reach Paramasivan at 9841945161,7010727239

His shop is at 52, Chitrakulam West Street, Mylapore.

  • Picture: file photo of Paramasivan shot in August 2019
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One Comment on “Lockdown affects this well-known senior who re-paints Krishna dolls”

  1. He has restored our Lakshmi and Saraswathi idol about ten years ago. they have regained their past glory.
    I am very thankful for this report.
    Hope more people use his unique talent and make his life a little bit easier.

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