Inmates at Chennai Corporation’s Mandaveli shelter are checked for virus symptoms every week

Inmates at Chennai Corporation’s Mandaveli shelter are now checked for virus symptoms every week. This after, the men’s shelter recently witnessed a spike in virus cases.

The shelter located at Mandaveli Street, near the Amma unavagam, houses around 30 homeless men.

Says Vishanth, manager at the shelter, “In June, almost 23 of our inmates were affected by the virus. The virus spread to them after one inmate got it first. The source, however, is not known.”

“As it was not possible to isolate them at the shelter, they were treated at Covid care centres. Two weeks ago, all recovered and were back to shelter.”

Now, Vishanth says inmates mostly stay indoors. “However, few go out to nearby shops to buy essentials. So, to ensure there is no virus cluster again, the Corporation is checking them for virus symptoms every week.”

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