Civic body undertakes work on street along Sri Kapali Temple tank to tap rainwater

A contractor of Chennai Corporation has undertaken civic work on East Tank Street, the narrow street that runs alongside the eastern border of the tank of Sri Kapaleeswarar Temple in Mylapore leading to the western gopuram and gate of this temple.

A JCB was used to dig out the cemented layer of this busy street, from the South Mada Street end to the North Mada Street end.

A GCC engineer says that this is part of a plan to lay pipelines and relay the street in such a manner that the new civic facility will help tap and channel rainwater in this area to flow into the temple tank.

In recent months, the tank has gone bone dry and the recent rains created some large pools of water inside.

A comprehensive, practical plan to tap rainwater of this area to channel it from all four sides into the tank has not been undertaken this far – most are piece-meal projects carried out independently.

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