Bommai hawkers are back on North Mada Street

The colour is back on North Mada Street in Mylapore. At least, some of it is. The kolu bommai hawkers are back on the sidewalk braving the dangers that the virus till poses.

This morning, a fair number of hawkers began to unwrap the images of Vinayaka, small, medium and big, some colourful, some simple and all these were displayed on makeshift tables and packing boxes on the sidewalk.

The work was brisk and by noontime, some dozen and more stalls were open for sales.

Images cost between Rs.75 and Rs.2500. One hawker admitted that supply has fallen as much as 50% due to the pandemic situation. “The flow of money for loans people must take to produce bommais for the season is thin and so production suffers,” one hawker told us.

One may assume that once Sri Vinayaka Chathurthi celebration is over this weekend, the kolu bommais will be put on sale.

Many hawkers had sets of plastic or tarpaulin sheets on the side to use in case it drizzled or rained since it has rained off and on in recent times.

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