This senior exec says he has learnt new lessons in work, life: Srikanth Srinivasan’s story

52 year old Srikanth Srinivasan, who was with the TVS Group for 25 years is now the COO of Extended Warranty firm Assurant India, the Indian arm of the US headquartered company.

During the lockdown period of almost four months, he says he has learnt lessons that he believes will last him a lifetime.

For starters, in his long corporate career, this is the first time he has worked from home.  ‘When I started in 1990, there were no mobile phones. We would finish our work and come back home to spend the evening with the family. The entry of mobile phones meant we are now slaves to this tech gadget.”

It took Srikanth a while to come to grips with the lockdown, having to manage the operations of the company from home.

“I found it difficult to adjust for the first two weeks. My sons are preparing for professional examinations, my wife is on her recipes trying out different menus each day and my mother in law is into spiritual recitals using tech apps. I first needed to find a place for me to carry out my work in my home without disturbing others in the family and without being disturbed.  My current workplace in a corner of the house is just one fourth of what I used to have in office.”

Looking back in July, he lists several positives that have emerged in his life.  “For the first time in the last two decades, we have been sitting together as a family to have our meals each day of the month at 11am. I have also moved into a two meals a day model from the three meals that I had been accustomed to for a large part of my life.”

With the entire family at home through the day, Srikanth’s wife Meera too has become innovative with her cooking – she has tried new recipes that the family is now all excited about.

Srikanth says he has used the lockdown phase to be initiated into Vedic learning. Every day, he spends an hour in the evening on Nyaya, Mimamsa and Vedantha.

The pandemic, he says has taught him a few lessons on financial discipline and analyse a philosophical way of life.

He has taken a call to reduce his wants and to live within his means. “I used to change my mobile phone once a year and it was due for a change in March this year. But I have decided to continue with my old phone.”

In his stint at MyTVS, Srikanth Srinivasan took the 24×7 emergency breakdown service pan India and was also involved in building and operating the extended warranty service in the automotive sector.

Srikanth Srinivasan resides on Bheemasana Garden Street

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One Comment on “This senior exec says he has learnt new lessons in work, life: Srikanth Srinivasan’s story”

  1. As an ex-mylaporean, currently based out of Mumbai, I find it very easy to keep tab about my favorite neighborhood in the entire world through mylapore times. It is very nice of them to update it on a daily basis during such stressful times.

    Today it brought a smile to my face, reading an article about Mr. Srikanth Srinivasan. Having known him for a lot of years, I can vouch for the fact that Mr. Srikanth is one of the most approachable person, in spite of his busy professional life.

    Thank you, Mylapore times for the excellent work you are doing in writing about people and issues which really matter to the common man.


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