Sero survey is on; team visited homes in Mandavelipakkam

Greater Chennai Corporation is sending out teams of healthcare workers to various neighbourhoods in the city to collect blood samples for the sero survey that it is conducting under the ICMR.

Chitra Padmanabhan said that teams were seen at work in Mandavelipakkam on Saturday morning.

She put out a post saying – A minimum of 40 samples were taken. Around 3-4 ml of blood was drawn from each participant. General details like name,sex, age etc were noted.  ELISA tests would be done on the samples ..and a ‘positive’ result would be intimated to the participants.

Chitra says this info was provided by Sathish and Preethi, her neighbours.

Besides detecting the virus, a sero survey will also help find out if a person has recovered from the infection without being aware of it. This is  a ICMR directed survey.

  • Photo: Chitra Padmanabhan
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