Firm regulations bring order to Marina fish market

It needs much perseverance and sweat work to bring order to an unruly market space. And that is what happened at the fish market on Marina Loop Road on Friday and Saturday.

The steps earned results.

Weekends see a big rush of seafood lovers here. Most shoppers and hawkers wear masks but let down the guard. Many crowd around stalls to get a close look and bargain hard.

Civic staff and local police tried all sorts of regulations in the past but they did not work.

On Friday, expecting a big rush on Saturday ( since Sunday is lockdown day and shopping is banned) the officials set up new rules – bikes and cars had to be parked behind the Light House and stopped from driving into the Loop Road; hawkers were restrained to their spots and women who chop and clean the fish were asked to operate on the sands and not on the roadside.

The steps worked to a great extent on Saturday.

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